Home North Simcoe Events Our Health: Stress

Our Health: Stress

Our Health Series: Stress

Does stress help you to “get it done” or does it make you angry and frustrated, or both? On January 29, 2019, Our Health will look at the impact of stress on our lives. A little stress keeps us paying attention as we go about our daily activities, although adding too much stress may cross the line and lead to depression and anxiety and other serious mental and physical illnesses.

Join four eminent panelists from our community; Michael Rosenbojm a final year medical resident, Liam Marshall an International researcher and author, Jeff Golisky a family doctor who sees his patients’ responses to stress in many situations and Thomas Davidson a well known clinical psychologist who has suggestions for those who are most affected by stress. Their discussion will include the basics of stress, their own personal stress and coping strategies, advice on when to seek help, as well as the resources and options available to reduce and manage stress.

During the final 30 minutes of the event, the audience will have an opportunity to ask panel members questions that could benefit all attendees. Come prepared in advance with your questions!

For those with family and work commitments, challenges with transportation and mobility or anyone who is interested in this topic, the event will be videotaped and available to view in 4 to 6 weeks. Go to RogersTV to access this event, or any of the previous “Our Health” programs. You do not need a Rogers subscription and there is no cost.

Admission to this event is free with registration in advance. Capacity is limited. Register online or through the Midland Cultural Centre Box Office: 705-527-4420 ext. 0

Moderator, Keith Rose, has in-depth discussions with all “Our Health” panelists prior to each event. He says that these four panelists bring a unique perspective, both personal and professional, to our table. He also learned from these early conversations about the impact of stress on the days and nights of his own life! Remember to arrive early, mingle with the crowd, talk about ”Our Health” and learn about “Stress, the Challenge and Energizer of Everyday Life”.


Jan 29 2019






Midland Cultural Centre - Rotary Hall
333 King Street, Midland


Midland Cultural Centre
705-527-4420 ext. 0