North Simcoe News

Canadian families and small businesses across the country are feeling the impacts of COVID-19. That’s why the Government of Canada

Small businesses have been facing unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to do so as they take

The Canadian Emergency Business Account has potential to provide up to $670 million directly to farmers from the forgivable portion

As the economy gradually reopens, the Ontario government is helping people affected by COVID-19 get back to work. The province

$85,480 in funding available in North Simcoe for charities supporting COVID-19 response Midland; May 22, 2020 Huronia Community Foundation today

Town Hall videoconference held by the Municipal Task Force: Business Solutions on May 21, 2020.

Canadians are focused on keeping their jobs and paying their bills, as they continue to deal with the impacts of

“Today’s announced expansion of the eligibility to the Canada Emergency Business Account is a big deal for farmers across the