North Simcoe News

The Ontario government has launched Skilled Trades Ontario, a new Crown agency, to improve trades training and simplify services. The

Starting on February 7th, 2022 applications and the guidelines for the new targeted Rural Economic Development (RED) program will be

The County of Simcoe is accepting applications for its 2022 Tourism, Culture and Sport Enhancement Fund until February 28. This

The Ontario and Québec governments continue to demonstrate their commitment under the Cooperation and Exchange Agreement with Respect to the

#ITSTARTS is a public awareness campaign in March designed to reduce racism and discrimination in Simcoe County. The campaign encourages community members to share educational information through

The Ontario government is providing 21 days of electricity-rate relief to support families and workers spending more time at home,

Applications for the Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program are now open. Eligible businesses that are required to close or reduce

Today, the Ontario government launched the Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) program to help companies get the tools, technology