Island Princess gets council go-ahead to drop anchor

The Island Princess’ co-owner is excited about the win-win venture that’s coming to Midland this spring.

“We’re as pumped as we can be,” said Jerry Hogenhout, a Toronto-based accountant, who is co-owner of the boat with Midland’s David Scoffield and Dave Plewes, who run Georgian Shores Catering. “It’s incredible what’s happened since we made the commitment. It’s a huge opportunity for us.”

Hogenhout was talking to MidlandToday a day after council approved the changes to be made at the town dock to accommodate the boat. The changes would be the construction of a 40m x 40m roadway to be used as an access road from the parking lot to the edge of the pier, where the Island Princess will dock beginning this spring. The cost for this is estimated at $25,000, along with electrical servicing for an estimated $7,000. []


Island Princess gets council go-ahead to drop anchor