EDCNS Board Member Cywink featured in the news today

Andrew Cywink, a research and innovation technologist at Georgian College, wears one of the single-use face shields he helped create using fabrication equipment in the Alectra Centre for Research, Innovation and Commercialization, located within Georgian’s Peter B. Moore Advanced Technology Centre. Over 600 face shields were donated to the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre in Barrie. Photo supplied by Georgian College.

College helps produce more than 600 face shields in fight against COVID-19

Georgian College has heeded the call from health-care partners across our communities by donating critical supplies and using the skills of our Research and Innovation team to manufacture temporary face shields. With Georgian’s Health and Wellness programs being delivered through remote delivery, the college has been redeploying personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies to our health partners.

Read the full story here.

Source: barrietoday.com


EDCNS Board Member Cywink featured in the news today