Portion of Midland Bay Landing will be opened up this summer

Midland Bay Landing Logo

A portion of Midland Bay Landing will be getting a massive overhaul this summer, as its board of directors looks to open the prime piece of waterfront real estate up to potential developers and investors.

“We want to invite the public to become familiar with this property,” said Bill Kernohan, Chair of the Midland Bay Landing Development Corporation. “We also want to introduce potential investors and developers to come and see its potential.”

The Board has budgeted $250,000 to clear out, grade, fence off and beautify a small sliver of the property for interim public use.

A pedestrian walkway, which could include benches and a small parkette, will allow access off Bayshore Drive out to the waterfront. The goal, according to Kernohan, will be to[]


Portion of Midland Bay Landing will be opened up this summer